2025 -- 4th Annual Legion of Zoom
Virtual Conference "221b Sitting Room"
Virtual Conference "221b Sitting Room"
Previous Annual Legion of Zoom Virtual Conferences and Holmes Hysterias
In the Fall of 2021, 4 devoted Sherlockians determined it was time to organize and recognize those other Sherlockians around the world who have spent much of the 2 preceding years huddled in front of their laptop, IPad, or Smart Phone. Daily, weekly, and monthly, these devout students of the great master have attended virtual meetings to listen to wonderful speakers from across the spectrum, take quizzes on that month's story from the Canon, listen to adapted radio plays, and numerous other activities surrounding Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and the literary agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, without whom, it would NOT always be 1895.
The founders of the Society chose to use the name "The Legion of Zoom" Society, which had been wonderfully coined for those Sherlockians who were seen on virtual meetings every week by Greg Ruby, BSI.
The Legion of Zoom Society has proudly been officially recognized by the Baker Street Irregulars as a scion society of the BSI.
Eligibility for the Society by Sherlockians is very simple -- attend virtual meetings held by at least 17 different Sherlockian societies, and send us the list of those meetings. You will become an official member of the Society, receive a beautiful certificate suitable for framing, a virtual background you can proudly display on future virtual meetings, and receive information on a regular basis concerning activities of the Society.
We have included a list of those societies who have held virtual meetings that you may use a checklist for those you have attended. The list is at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to join the Society, and meet the eligibility requirement of attending meetings held by at least 17 different Sherlockian societies, you may email the list of meetings to Steve Mason, [email protected]. Obviously, your attendance and submittal of the list is based on the honour system.
The founders of the Society chose to use the name "The Legion of Zoom" Society, which had been wonderfully coined for those Sherlockians who were seen on virtual meetings every week by Greg Ruby, BSI.
The Legion of Zoom Society has proudly been officially recognized by the Baker Street Irregulars as a scion society of the BSI.
Eligibility for the Society by Sherlockians is very simple -- attend virtual meetings held by at least 17 different Sherlockian societies, and send us the list of those meetings. You will become an official member of the Society, receive a beautiful certificate suitable for framing, a virtual background you can proudly display on future virtual meetings, and receive information on a regular basis concerning activities of the Society.
We have included a list of those societies who have held virtual meetings that you may use a checklist for those you have attended. The list is at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to join the Society, and meet the eligibility requirement of attending meetings held by at least 17 different Sherlockian societies, you may email the list of meetings to Steve Mason, [email protected]. Obviously, your attendance and submittal of the list is based on the honour system.
Listen to the IHOSE podcast Episode 236: Legion of Zoom here
Join Scott Monty as he talked to Rich Krisciunas, Steve Mason, and Edith Pounden of the Legion of Zoom in discussion the founding and what is the Legion all about, how can you join, and where one can find out about more online Sherlockian group meetings. |
You may view the Legion of Zoom Scion Society By-Laws by clicking here...
- Alberstat, Joann, MBt
- Alberstat, Mark, BSI, MBt
- Almquist, Jane
- Bally, Badre
- Basford, Jonathan
- Behrens, Anna
- Bennett, Ian, MBt
- Betzner, Raymond, BSI
- Billette, Paul-André
- Blau, Peter E., BSI, ASH, MBt
- Brown, Cindy
- Carlson, Johanna Draper
- Carter, Shana, ASH
- Cercone, Lauren
- Clark, Debbie, BSI, ASH
- Coghill, Bob, BSI
- Cooke, Catherine, BSI, ASH
- Crohn, Linda
- Cotter, Bruce
- Crouse, Ginny
- Cynkin, Thomas, BSI
- Dahlinger, Susan E., BSI, ASH, MBt
- Deck, Margie
- Doyle, Steven, BSI
- Eckrich, Joe, BSI
- Ehrensaft, Philip
- Ellery, Karen
- Ellis, Michael
- Entrekin, Kerry
- Ewing, Patrick
- Fahres, Tom
- Fair, Erica
- Fitch, Susan & Esmerelda
- Flynn, Wayne
- Fromkin, Mickey, BSI, ASH
- Gallego, Beth
- German, Peter
- Goldfarb, Clifford, BSI, MBt
- Hall, Matt
- Harnois, David, BSI
- Harvey, Joshua
- Holder, Nancy, BSI
- Hoski, Valli M.
- Jaekel, Dawn
- Jones, Mark, BSI, MBt
- Karabush, Cynthia
- Kassa, Naching
- Katz, Robert, BSI, ASH
- Keefauver, Brad, BSI, ASH
- Keiser, Dennis
- Kegley, Jerry, BSI
- Kline, Timothy
- Kočí, Markéta
- Kolodrubec, Aleš “aleSH”
- Kozinn, Sandy, ASH
- Krisciunas, Rich, ASH -- Officer
- Leal, David, ASH
- Lintzenich, Elaine
- Magee, Max
- Margolin, Jerry, BSI
- Mason, Rusty
- Mason, Steve, BSI, ASH -- Officer
- Matetsky, Ira Brad, BSI, ASH
- McClure, Michael, BSI
- McKuras, Julie, BSI, ASH
- McSwiggin, Michael, BSI
- Millar, Anne
- Monty, Scott, BSI
- Morris, Jacquelynn, BSI, ASH
- Dash, Dore, ASH, BSI
- Ostrom, Howard
- Paton, Jennie, BSI
- Perdue, Peggy, BSI, MBt
- Pieper, Walter
- Pounden, Edith -- Officer
- Prepolec, Charles, BSI, MBt
- Quinones, Madeline
- Remont, Jean-Christophe
- Riethmeier, Ray, BSI
- Ruby, Greg, BSI, ASH -- Officer
- Scheetz, George
- Schmidt, Monica, BSI, ASH
- Sharfman, Robert
- Sherwood, John C.
- Shimberg, Jonathan
- Stinson, Regina, BSI
- Sveum, Richard, BSI
- Tranquilli, Andrew
- Vanderburgh, George, MBt
- Walden, Kirk
- Wolder, Burt, BSI, ASH
- Yazmadjian, Sonia
Societies who have held Virtual Meetings (as reported to the Legion of Zoom)
- 5 Miles from Anywhere (worldwide)
- Baker Street Babes (221b Con)
- Baker Street West
- Cheshire Sherlock Holmes Society, Cheshire, CT
- Circulo Holmes Sherlock Society of Spain
- Deutsche Sherlock Holmes Geschelschaft
- Dr. Watson's Neglected Patients of Denver, CO
- Le Cabinet du Patient résidant (FRANCE)
- Le Cercle Holmesien de Paris
- Les Quincaillers de la Franco-Midland (FRANCE)
- Monadnock Sherlockians
- Mrs. Hudson's Cliffdwellers of Edgewater, NJ
- Mrs. Hudson's Lodgers
- Rochester Row of Rochester, NY
- Sherlock Holmes Klubban I Danmark
- Société d'études holmésiennes de la Suisse romande (Switzerland)
- The Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes (ASH) (worldwide)
- The Arthur Conan Doyle (ACD) Society
- The Baker Street Irregulars (BSI) (worldwide) (Dinner, Lecture)
- The Beacon Society (worldwide)
- The BeeSpeckled Band -- Highwood Sherlockians of Highwood, IL
- The Bimetallic Question of Montreal, QC
- The Bootmakers of Toronto, ONT
- The Cesspudlians of London, ONT
- The Chester Baskerville Society
- The Clients of Adrian Mulliner
- The Crew of the Barque Lone Star of Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
- The Criterion Bar of Chicago, IL
- The Curious Collectors of Baker Street of Los Angeles, CA
- The Czech Society of Sherlock Holmes
- The Denizens of the Bar of Gold
- The Dogs in the Nighttime of Anacortes, WA
- The Five Orange Pips
- The Fourth Garrideb (worldwide)
- The Friends of Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Friends of Gillette Castle
- The Giant Rats of Sumatra
- The Great Alkali Plainsman of Kansas City, MO
- The Grillparzer Club of the Hoboken Free State of Catskill, NY
- The Half-Pay Club of Washington, D.C.
- The Hansom Wheels of Columbia, SC
- The Hansoms of John Clayton of Peoria, IL
- The Harpooners of St. Charles, MO
- The Hounds of the Baskervilles (sic) of Chicago, IL
- The Hounds of the Internet
- The Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis, IN
- The John Openshaw Society of Houston, TX
- The John Watson Society (worldwide)
- The Legion of Zoom
- The Literary Agents (worldwide)
- The Three Hours Lunch Club
- The Men on the Tor
- The Montague Street Incorrigibles
- The Nashville Scholars / Three Pipe Problem
- The Noble & Most Singular Blue Carbuncle Society of Portland, OR
- The Norwegian Explorers of St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN
- The Notorious Canary Trainers of Madison, WI
- The O’Lunneys of Helston Asylum (official BSI Scion)
- The Parallel Cases of St. Louis, MO
- The Panorama City Library Jr. Sherlockian Club
- The Priory Scholars of New York City, NY
- The Red Circle of Washington D.C.
- The Reichenbach Irregulars of Meringen, CH
- The Ribston-Pippins of Royal Oak, MI
- The Scotland Yarders of Winnetka, IL
- The Scowers and Molly Maguires of San Francisco, CA
- The Shaka Sherlockians of Hawaii of Honolulu, HI
- The Sherlock Holmes of the Upper Valley of Lebanon, NH
- The Sherlock Holmes Realist Society
- The Sherlock Holmes Society of Cape Fear, NC
- The Sherlock Holmes Society of London, U.K.
- The Sherlockians of Baltimore, MD
- The Six Napoleons of Baltimore, MD
- Société Sherlock Holmes de France
- The Sons of the Copper Beeches of Philadelphia, PA
- The Sound of the Baskervilles of Seattle, WA
- The South Downers of Chicago, IL
- The Spence Munros
- The Stormy Petrels of British Columbia of Vancouver, BC
- The Stormy Petrels of Maumee Bay of Toledo, OH
- The Story Tellers of Peoria, IL
- The Sub-Librarians of the ALA (worldwide)
- The Sydney Passengers
- The Tankerville Club of Cincinnati, OH
- The Tea Brokers of Mincing Lane
- The Theatre Goers, Homeward Bound (worldwide)
- The Three Garridebs of Westchester County of Elmsford, NY
- The Torists International of Chicago, IL
- The Transfixed Correspondence of Phoenix, AZ
- The Twisted Lips
- The Untasted Breakfast Club
- The Veiled Lodgers
- The Weird Telegraphers
- The White Rose Irregulars of Harrisburg, PA
- The White-Hall Half-Pay Club
- The Wisteria Lodge of Atlanta, GA
- The Younger Stamfords of Iowa
- Uno Studio in Holmes (Italy)
- Watson’s Tin Box of Ellicott City, MD