Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Sitting Zoom, the annual virtual conference of the Legion of Zoom.
As most of you know, the Legion of Zoom is an online BSI scion founded by Steve Mason, Edith Pounden, Greg Ruby, and Rich Krisciunas, as a way of uniting those Sherlockians who repeatedly encounter each other at virtual Sherlockian meetings.
This conference began as a way to thank Sherlockian societies who host online meetings for allowing us to join them, often from distant lands, and it’s our hope that we will continue to bring a yearly afternoon of entertainment to those members of the Sherlockian world who are willing to sit by their laptops or phones for a few hours in February.
And in that spirit, we are delighted to say that we had this year, as in the past 2 years, a wonderful lineup of speakers, including Bob Coghill, BSI, S.E. Dahlinger, BSI, ASH, Matt Hall, Steve Doyle, BSI, Sonia Yazmadjian, and Shana Carter, ASH.
You may view the presentations by clicking on the video links below. We know you will enjoy them!
As most of you know, the Legion of Zoom is an online BSI scion founded by Steve Mason, Edith Pounden, Greg Ruby, and Rich Krisciunas, as a way of uniting those Sherlockians who repeatedly encounter each other at virtual Sherlockian meetings.
This conference began as a way to thank Sherlockian societies who host online meetings for allowing us to join them, often from distant lands, and it’s our hope that we will continue to bring a yearly afternoon of entertainment to those members of the Sherlockian world who are willing to sit by their laptops or phones for a few hours in February.
And in that spirit, we are delighted to say that we had this year, as in the past 2 years, a wonderful lineup of speakers, including Bob Coghill, BSI, S.E. Dahlinger, BSI, ASH, Matt Hall, Steve Doyle, BSI, Sonia Yazmadjian, and Shana Carter, ASH.
You may view the presentations by clicking on the video links below. We know you will enjoy them!
Approximately 75 people around the world participated in our 3rd Annual Virtual Conference.
Pre-Conference Presentation