The Crew of the Barque Lone Star is one of the oldest societies of Sherlock Holmes, founded in November 1970 by Francine Morris, Bill Beeson, and Bullitt Lowry.
52 years later, the Society continues to excel, with over 280 members, both local and remote, 60 invested deckmates, and monthly meetings held on Zoom with wonderful guest speakers and over 60 attendees.
The Crew, with SMU University's DeGolyer Library (in the Fondren Library), is co-hosting this conference to highlight the amazing foreign-language collection of one of our most esteemed members, Don Hobbs, BSI.
Several wonderful Sherlockians have volunteered to present at our conference during which we will be looking at Sherlock Holmes through the ages.
We hope you can join us on the SMU campus in May 2023.
52 years later, the Society continues to excel, with over 280 members, both local and remote, 60 invested deckmates, and monthly meetings held on Zoom with wonderful guest speakers and over 60 attendees.
The Crew, with SMU University's DeGolyer Library (in the Fondren Library), is co-hosting this conference to highlight the amazing foreign-language collection of one of our most esteemed members, Don Hobbs, BSI.
Several wonderful Sherlockians have volunteered to present at our conference during which we will be looking at Sherlock Holmes through the ages.
We hope you can join us on the SMU campus in May 2023.